What You Need To Know Before Making A Career Transition

A career transition could be the right move to be more successful and find more happiness in your career.

I know that making a career move can be a little scary, let alone attempting to move up in your current field or make a career transition.

However, people are looking to do exactly that, now more than ever.

The pandemic has served as a wake-up call for us all, and many have found themselves changing jobs, going back to school, or switching industries altogether.

So if you’re one of the many people thinking about making a career move right now, here’s what you need to know before trying a career transition.


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3 Things To Know Before Attempting A Career Transition:

#1 Narrow your career development focus.

There are so many directions to go in, that it can feel overwhelming, or even daunting at times. So how can you narrow down and streamline your focus? If you could design your ideal role, what would that look like? What would your wants and needs be? What would your non-negotiables or deal-breakers be? Start by asking yourself what you want to do, and what your strengths and weaknesses are. There are a lot of easy ways to do this, including a quick SWOT analysis.

#2 Optimize your resume for the career you want.

What better time than now for a little spring cleaning? Freshening up your resume and cover letter can help to breathe some new life and fresh energy into your search, but it doesn’t stop there. Be conscious of your thoughts and words while you’re moving through this exploratory period. Being especially mindful of the way you talk to and about yourself will help you to move closer to your new life with less resistance. If you need some help with this, schedule a Resume / Cover Letter Overview Session with me here.

#3 Get a 30-minute complimentary career coaching session.

Need to get some clarity on how to get started? Or maybe you’re not sure how to best prepare. Maybe you’re not sure what you even want to be doing yet. No problem! This is why I’m currently offering a free session for new clients. In our 30-minute complimentary session, we can discuss anything that you feel will prevent you from stepping out and living your best life.

You can be empowered in your next career move without feeling like you have to go it alone. Career coaching can provide the additional resources and support you need to help you in your search. Schedule a 30-minute complimentary coaching session with me today to get you started on your career transition.

– Sheila Clemenson

Transitions Coaching Services | Louisville Colorado

Career Development Coach | Job Search Strategy | Professional Development | Job Interview Strategy

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