29 Aug Tired of the same old job? Refocus and be more engaged
Posted at 10:40h
in Self Discovery
These are 3 things I help my clients to do:
- Understand your strengths, values and motivators to find out more about yourself and the areas that interest you most. If you stay true to these attributes, you will pursue your career goals with more focused intention, direction and gusto. And you will be more likely to succeed in finding or better yet, redefining the best match for your talents, interests and career goals.
- Communicate your strengths and talents appropriately to current / future employers and explain your true value to an organization. By doing this you increase the likelihood of finding opportunities to more fully express the qualities that help you to thrive. Having the ability to articulate your value is essential when presented with potential opportunities, being considered for promotions and next step career training. More often, individuals are not taught how to do this and many do not know how to identify or share these traits authentically.
- Understand the needs of the position, company or organization by asking the right questions and more fully realizing the impact you hold in meeting those needs. What knowledge, skills, abilities and values are necessary to excel in the job or career you are considering? What problem do you solve? Although you may want to be recognized without saying a word by a brilliant resume or job performance alone, it is more likely you will find situations when competition is fierce, you’re being overlooked for that next promotion or you need to be more vocal and sell what you can personally offer for that next opportunity.
Ultimately, it is your responsibility to ensure the next promotion or position is indeed a good fit and something that you truly want. And that you can indeed live up to it.
The individual career coaching and group workshops/webinars that I offer increase your self-awareness, ability to communicate your attributes and provides a more complete understanding of how you fit into jobs within the career paths that you are most interested in.
Reach out to discuss which individual or group programs may be the best fit for your personal situation at sheila@transitionscoachingservices.com